The FAI Board propose to hold a EGM before the AGM on the above date. To allow this to happen they require consent from the majority of its clubs, Leagues, Provincial Bodies & Assembly members.
This EGM will make changes to the MOU to assist the requirement for 40% female representation at Board & committtee level within the FAI. As such it is important that it is passed. Equally so in regard to Government funding of our Sport.
I would ask all clubs to support this EGM with a yes vote to the League Secretary, Andy Bishop and those not in favour a no vote. If you don’t vote at all you will be deemed to support the EGM.
This is important and a simple yes vote for EGM or no vote to EGM stating your club by e-mail will suffice.
Time is of essence so we ask all clubs to do this today.
Michael Conlon
WDFL Chairperson