WDFL Season 2022/23

WDFL Season 2022/23

Information for all Wicklow League clubs regarding the WDFL Season 2022/23.

WDFL Season 2022/23 League Start Date
This will be in September, the exact date to be finalised by League Executive. I would however ask all clubs to make their team entries in the next 7 days to allow the Executive to finalise League formations and kick off dates.

Youth Leagues
It is the Executives intention to join the U17’s (when they finish as U16’s with WDSL) with current U18’s to form one U18 League. However, some clubs have enquired about a U19 League, therefore I would ask all clubs wishing to enter a U19 team to please make their entry along with entries for the U18 League which remains our priority. It is also our intention to play these games every week (referees permitting) rather than week about.

Entries via email to johnsheawicklowleague@gmail.com and michael.conlon@boscasports.com